Which of the following is a reason to conduct a program evaluation to document a program in general quizlet?

Which is the primary reason for conducting program evaluation?

Program evaluation is a valuable tool for program managers who are seeking to strengthen the quality of their programs and improve outcomes for the children and youth they serve. Program evaluation answers basic questions about a program's effectiveness, and evaluation data can be used to improve program services.

Which of the following can be a purpose of program evaluation?

Conducting an evaluation of a program can allow a program manager to systematically assess staff's performance, and figure out where staff members are succeeding and where they may need more support or training.

What is the purpose of program evaluation quizlet?

Purpose is to determine how program outcomes compare with their costs.

Which of the following is a benefit of the evaluation process?

Some of the benefits of evaluation include: Enhancing the chance that the initiative's goals and objectives are being achieved. Determining value for money (i.e., allocated resources are yielding the greatest benefit for clients and stakeholders) Identifying what components of an initiative work/do not work and why.