Add lightning component to list view

Why Bother Using an LWC in a List View Button?

If you need to create some custom functionality that is accessible to your users via a list view (or potentially a related list), then a list view button is the way to go. The reason that you should prefer to utilize an LWC (despite the fact there is no obvious way to use an LWC for a list view button) is because LWC’s load faster than any other component type and, of the available list view button options, they are the most consistent with Salesforce’s Lightning Experience look and feel. Unfortunately, while it’s super simple to setup and LWC for a list view button, Salesforce has no documentation on how to do so and virtually no answers exist for how to do this anywhere online, but NO MORE!! Today I’ll show you three different methods of creating an LWC List View button! Two methods do not allow you to send the ids of selected records in a list view and one does. I’ll give you the pros and cons of each and how to setup each one below.One additional note, all of the below solutions will allow the user to traverse from the list view button back to the exact list view they were previously on without the help of visualforce at all! Something else that was undocumented and challenging to figure out.

DISCLAIMER: As of this writing, LWC quick actions are not usable on list views, this could change in the future however, so make sure to investigate that.

Setting up the Lightning Web Component

In any of the three scenarios we are going to use the same Lightning Web Component to demo the functionality, although in the third scenario (a flow based scenario) we will be making slight modifications to allow for the ids of records to get passed through to the component. Let’s take a look at the core of the component below (or on GitHub here).

HTML File:

JS File:

import {LightningElement} from 'lwc'; export default class ListViewButton extends LightningElement { close(){ setTimeout( function() { window.history.back(); }, 1000 ); } }

XML File:

51.0 List View Button true List View Button lightning__AppPage lightning__Tab lightning__FlowScreen

Alright alright alright, so we have all of the files outlined above, let’s make talk about the close function in the JavaScript file first. I did an ENORMOUS amount of experimentation trying to get a list view button that spawns an LWC to allow me to traverse back to the exact list view that I had previously come from and this was the only way I could consistently get that to happen. I tried navigationmixin and it had trouble remembering where to go no matter what I did, I tried return urls, I tried a ton of junk, but that close function above does the trick every single time (at least in a browser, never tried on a mobile app). It always goes back to the exact list view I was on when I clicked the button. So what does that function actually do? It basically looks to your browser windows history and moves back one page in time, the set timeout function allows it to take up to one second to make that happen. I would suggest using the set timeout as I had issues using this function without it, occasionally it wouldn’t have enough time to operate and failed. This however is used by thousands of users in my org now with no complaints.

The second thing I wanna go over is the XML File’s targets. For simplicity I just put every target we are going to need when we go through each of the three LWC list view button methods, that being said, you only need to declare the target for the method you choose to use. If you use the App Builder method, use the AppPage target, if you use the Tab method, use the Tab target, etc.

LWC List View Button Method 1: The Lightning App Builder Page Method

WHETHER YOU USE THIS METHOD OR NOT, READ THROUGH IT!! THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE STEPS ARE IDENTICAL FOR ALL OTHER VERSIONS SO THEY WILL ONLY BE SHOWN HERE AND REFERENCED IN THE OTHER SECTIONS!! Admittedly, this is my least favorite method, however it does work and some people may prefer it, so I’m gonna show you how to do it real quick. To use this method we need to create a lightning app builder app page. If you don’t know what that is, check out this trailhead. Once you’ve created the app builder page, you need to drag and drop the LWC (shown in the section above) onto the page. You can find the LWC in the section show below:

Add lightning component to list view

After you’ve placed your LWC on the page, save and activate your App Builder page. Then click anywhere in your lightning app page canvas that isn’t specifically your LWC to bring up the page information on the right side of the screen. Grab the “Developer Name” value, you need it for the next step.Now that an app builder page houses our component, and we have the dev name for the app page, we need to setup a list view button to pop open our page for us. Kewlio Julio, let’s get to it.

Go to the object manager and find the object you are creating a list view button for. On the object page, click the “buttons links and actions” link, then click the “New Button or Link” on the top right of that page.

Add lightning component to list view

On the new button or link page, you are gonna fill out the follow:1) Fill out a Label (this can be whatever you want)2) Select the “List Button” display type3) Select the “Display in existing window without sidebar or header” Behavior.4) Select the “URL” Content Source5) In the free text area put the following URL: /lightning/n/App_Page_Developer_Name

6) Save your button

Add lightning component to list view

To place your new LWC list view button on your objects list view, click on the “Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic” tab on your object and then click the drop down arrow next to the “List View” layout and select the “Edit” value in the drop down.

Add lightning component to list view

On the edit page for the list view layout, scroll down to the “Custom Buttons” section and select your new list view button.

Add lightning component to list view

Now, if you traverse to your object in the app launcher, you should be able to see your button on any list view and click it. This should result in your LWC popping up for you as shown below!

Add lightning component to list view
Add lightning component to list view

The Pros and Cons of this approach are the following:
Pros:1) It’s the second fastest of the three options to load


1) You cannot get rid of the app builder title area without janky css hacks2) The tab method (outlined below) loads considerably faster.3) This can load in an iframe depending on your settings.

4) Can’t pass in list view selection ids

LWC List View Button Method 2: The Lightning Component Tab Method

This is my absolute favorite method, it loads ultra fast and is the easiest to setup. If you don’t need list view ids passed into your LWC, this is the way to go in my opinion. This method works much like the first method, the setup is virtually identical aside from the fact that you setup a Lightning Component Tab to use as opposed to a Lightning App Builder App Page. Even the List View button setup is the same, the only difference is that you use the lightning tabs developer name at the end of the URL. So to save my hands some typing I’m only gonna show you the tab setup, please refer to the rest of the steps in the App Builder setup instruction above.

To setup a tab to use instead of an app builder page is simple. In setup go to Tabs. Then on the Tabs screen, scroll down to the “Lightning Component Tabs” and select the “New” button.

Add lightning component to list view

On the new lightning component tab screen select your lightning component (the one shown above or the one you’ve built), enter a tab label, a tab name and select a tab style and you’re done. MAKE SURE YOUR LWC HAS A TARGET IN THE XML FOR TABS (this is shown in the code up above), otherwise it won’t be selectable.Once you’ve created your tab, just follow the exact steps outlined in the app builder app page scenario to for the lightning button setup and you’re done!Pros and Cons of this approach:


1) Fastest load time2) Easiest setup3) Never loads in an iFrame


1) Cannot load in list view ids from selected list view values

LWC List View Button Method 3: The Flow Screen Method

I will urge you to please not use this method unless you absolutely need the selected list view ids passed into your LWC. I say this because the load times are significantly slower and now you have to involve two technologies (flow and lwc) instead of one, making it more complex to deal with, albeit not by a ton. The steps for setting up the actual list view button for this method are virtually identical to others as well, aside from the URL structure for the list view button, which we will cover, but refer to the first method for setting up the majority of the actual button.Alrightyyyyy then, here we go. This final method utilizes a flow to allow us to capture the incoming selected list view ids and send them to our LWC to manipulate. The first thing we need to do is update our LWC a bit to allow it to receive these incoming list view ids, so let’s do thattttttt. I’ll post the code below and then discuss it.



import {LightningElement, api} from 'lwc'; export default class ListViewButton extends LightningElement { @api listViewIds; close(){ setTimeout( function() { window.history.back(); }, 1000 ); } }


51.0 List View Button true List View Button lightning__AppPage lightning__Tab lightning__FlowScreen lightning__RecordAction

First let’s talk about the JavaScript file. We added two things to that file, the first is that we are now importing api at the top so that we can use the api decorator. The second is that we have created the listViewIds variable with the @api decorator on it. This allows the variable to be written to by the flow.Next let’s talk about the metadata file, in the metadata file we have added a targetConfig. This target config allows us in the flow builder to declaratively assign the incoming list view ids to the LWC’s listViewIds variable. Last, in the HTML file we have just created a paragraph tag to view the list view ids when they are brought over.

Now that we’ve updated the component, we need to create the flow. In setup, go to Flows and then select “New Flow” at the top to create a new flow.

Add lightning component to list view

You will immediately be presented with options for the type of flow you’d like to create, select “Screen Flow” and press the “Next” button., then select the “Freeform” option. You will then land on the flow builder canvas.

The first thing we need to do is create a variable. In the “Toolbox” area on the left side of the screen click the “Manager” tab and then click the “New Resource” button.

Add lightning component to list view

After clicking the “New Resource” button a modal will pop-up. Do the following:1) For Resource Type select “Variable”2) Fill out the API Name field with the value “ids” (do not include the surrounding quotes). IT MUST BE THIS VALUE TO WORK!3) For “Data Type” select “Text”4) Check the, “Allow Multiple Values (Collection)” checkbox5) Check the, “Available for input” checkbox

6) Click the “Done” button

Add lightning component to list view

After setting up this variable you’ll need to grab a screen flow from the “Elements” tab in the toolbox and drag it onto the flow canvas. On the Screen element modal that pops up you’ll want to do the following:1) Enter a label and API Name2) Uncheck the “Show Header” checkbox3) Uncheck the “Show Footer” checkbox4) On the left side of the modal in the “Components” area select your LWC and drop it on the page5) Fill out the API Name for your component6) place the “ids” variable we created above in the “listViewIds” box for the LWC

7) Click the “Done” button

Add lightning component to list view
Add lightning component to list view

Then connect your start node to your new screen node, grab the API name of your flow from the settings area of the flow canvas, activate your flow and you’re done!The one and ONLY step that changes for the list view button setup for the flow variety is the url structure. The URL structure should be changed to the following: /flow/Flow_Developer_NameAside from the above, all of the other steps are the same, so please reference the first LWC Button setup method above for more info.Pros and Cons of this method:


1) This is the only method that can receive the ids of values selected in a list view


1) This is by far the slowest loading method2) It forces you to use a flow to embed your LWC3) It’s the most complex setup4) It hosts itself in an iFrame

Alright, that’s all folks, this blog post was long and my hands are tired. Hasta Luego!!!!!

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