Bitter nghĩa là gì

a negative event, a loss, a painful experience Divorce is a bitter pill for her. She believed in her marriage.angry and/or sad: "He flaked on me so I'm a little bitter"[See the bitter end][See a bitter pill]Idiom[s]: bitter pill to swallow


an unpleasant fact that has to be accepted.• It was a bitter pill for her brother to swallow when she married his enemy.• We found his deception a bitter pill to swallow. n. Something hard to accept; disappointment. Jack was not invited to the party and it was a bitter pill for him.Idiom[s]: take the bitter with the sweet


to accept the bad things along with the good things.• We all have disappointments. You have to learn to take the bitter with the sweet.• There are good days and bad days, but every day you take the bitter with the sweet. That's life. the end of a long struggle, the end of a difficult time On a ranch you work till a job is done. You stay till the bitter end.Idiom[s]: to the bitter end


to the very end. [Originally nautical. This originally had nothing to do with bitterness.]• I kept trying to the bitter end.• It took me a long time to get through school, but I worked hard at it all the way to the bitter end. adv. phr. To the point of completion or conclusion. Used especially of a very painful or unpleasant task or experience. Although Mrs. Smith was bored by the lecture, she stayed to the bitter end. They knew the war would be lost, but the men fought to the bitter end.

Từ: bitter


  • tính từ


  • cay đắng, chua xót, đau đớn; đau khổ, thảm thiết

    bitter disappointment

    sự thất vọng cay đắng

    bitter tears

    những giọt nước mắt đau khổ

  • chua cay, gay gắt; ác liệt, quyết liệt

    bitter sarcasm

    lời chế nhạo chua cay

    bitter remark

    lời phê bình gay gắt

    ví dụ khác

    bitter fighting

    sự đánh nhau ác liệt

  • rét buốt [thời tiết, gió...]

    bitter wind

    gió rét buốt

  • điều đắng cay [điều tủi nhục] phải chịu đựng

  • danh từ

    vị đắng

  • nỗi đắng cay

    the bitters of life

    những nỗi đắng cay của cuộc đời

    to take the bitter with the sweet

    phải chịu những nỗi đắng cay cùng với những sự ngọt bùi ở đời

  • [sinh vật học] rượu bia đắng [[cũng] bitter beer] rượu thuốc apxin

    Cụm từ/thành ngữ

    bitter as gall [worm wood, aloes]

    đắng như mật, đắng như bồ bòn

    a bitter pill to swallow

    viên thuốc đắng phải uống

    to the bitte rend

    cho đến cùng

    Từ gần giống

    bitterness bitter-sweet bitterly bittern embitterment

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