Đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 1



Circle the word (A, B, C or D) that is stressed differently from the others.

1. A. nuclearB. pressureC. differD. respect2. A. extendedB. elegantC. impossibleD. financial3. A. attitudeB. privacyC. appearanceD. difference4. A. affordB. compareC. offerD. forbid5. A. resultB. viewpointC. valueD. prayer6. A. disappointedB. fashionableC. open-mindedD. interactive7. A. childcareB. jungleC. hairstyleD. advice8. A. comfortableB. conservativeC. curricularD. responsible9. A. skinnyB. matureC. flashyD. casual10. A. experienceB. interactC. coordinateD. determineCircle the word with an underlined letter (A, B, C or D) that is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. footstepB. lessenC. upsetD. respect2. A. stuffB. judgeC. matureD. junk3. A. normB. imposeC. holeD. follow4. A. multipleB. studiousC. currentD. upper5. A. valueB. tasteC. table-mannerD. ladderUnderline the stressed words in the following sentences and practice saying the sentences with a partner.

A: How often do you visit your grandparents?

B: Almost every weekend. Their house is not far from ours.

A: Who do you talk to when having a problem?

Well, usually my mom. She always gives me good advice.

A: Do you like soft drinks? B: Yes, I love them.

A: Do you like doing household chores?

B: No, not at all. But I have to help my mom, anyway.

A: These T-shirts look so cool. Why don't you try them on? B: Sorry, I prefer those over there.

A: What should I bring to the party? B: Just bring yourself.

A: Look at these two photos. Can you guess where they were taken? B: I guess this was in Hoi An and that in Hanoi.

A: Guess what? I've just met Jim, an ex-boyfriend of mine. B: What did you say to him?

A: Have you ever told a lie to your parents? B: Never, I dare not to.

A: Whose shoes are they?

B: I don't know. I've seen them there for two days.


Fill in the missing words from the word bank.

table mannersgeneration gapjunk foodsoft drinkshousehold choresfamily valuesextended familynuclear familyhairstyleshomestay

such as candy, bakery goods, ice cream and salty snacks is not healthy because they

have plenty of salt and fats.

It is good to learn about ……………….. of the country we are going to visit because different cultures have different rules used while eating.

Children need to help their parents do such as the washing up or laundry.

There is often a ……………….. between grandparents and grandchildren because their lifestyles are different.

The Coca-Cola company produces a wide variety of ……………….. which are attractive to young customers.

A(n) including parents and children tends to be more popular in a modern society.

A(n) ……………….. is preferable to many people because children are brought up by both their parents and their grandparents.

More and more tourists to Vietnam choose ……………….. service, in which they stay in a local house of the city they are traveling to.

Everybody may try long, medium and short ……………….. to find the best look for your face and hair.

such as moral standards or discipline are traditionally learned or reinforced within a


2. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets by circling A, B, C or D.

It is hard to avoid between parents and children because they have different interests.

A. interactions B. disadvantages C. conflicts D. similarities

Many people spend a huge amount of money on expensive clothes from Gucci or Polo

Raph Lauren.

A. brand name B. trend C. company D. material

Parents often advise their children not to break the ……………….. of Vietnam's society in choosing their clothes.

A. principle B. norm C. ability D. form

It is inadvisable for parents to ……………….. their ideas on their children's choice of careers.

A. impress B. insist C. concentrate D. impose

The more cheap cars are produced in Vietnam, the more Vietnamese people can one.

A. affect B. effort C. afford D. import

Nowadays, many women work in order to share the financial with their husband.

A. question B. impact C. behaviour D. burden

Growing up in a one-child family, Anna doesn't have any ……………….. to interact with.

A. siblings B. friends C. neighbours D. parents

Parent-child is likely to get worse if parents devote too much time to work and don't

spend time talking with their children.

A. relative B. friendship C. relationship D. love

There is no doubt that many teenagers want to keep their personal information or stories in secret, or their needs respecting.

A. private B. privacy C. personal D. description

Although Jack's parents said nothing about his plan of moving out, he realized their ………………..

through their eyes.

A. discrimination B. disapproval C. familiarity D. protection

Complete the table below. Write N/A (not applicable) if the form does not exist.

VerbNounAdjective1. ……n/a……….………………..responsible2. study………………..………………..3. respect………………..………………..4. ………………..(dis)approval………………..5. ………………..emotion………………..6. ………………..

7. ………………..

8. ………………..

9. ………………..

10. conflict……………….. finance relaxation




……………….. private conflicting

Use the words in the exercise 3 above to complete gaps in the following passage.

Family in Vietnam

The majority of families in Vietnam are extended ones, where three or more generations live in the same house and take care of each other. Extended families look similar to a mini society, in which the most elderly have the strongest voice and are (1) ……………….. for most activities in their house. The younger generation shows (2) ……………….. for the older generation and vice versa, the old generation tolerates the young. The children are expected to ask for their parents' (3) on

their activities or plans. As a member of family, one person receives both (4) ……………….. and (5)

……………….. support from other members, particularly when he or she is in trouble. Vice versa, he or she is expected to help other members in his or her family when they are in need. In general, families are expected to be a source of (6) ……………….. , where every member may feel (7) when

getting together.

However, the findings from a recent (8) ……………….. show that these days, more newly-married couples in Vietnam choose to live in a nuclear family. They would prefer to obtain (9) in

their family life and to avoid possible (10) when different generations live together.

(Text adapted from ht HYPERLINK "http://www.vietnamonline.com/culture/family.html/)" tps://www.vietnamonline. HYPERLINK "http://www.vietnamonline.com/culture/family.html/)" com/culture/family.html/)

Match the sign with the sentences and complete with the correct form of should, ought to, have to or must

………………..1. Drivers ……………….. reduce their speed in the area people are walking.

………………..2. Lucy's parents ……………….. check its content before letting her watch the film.

………………..3. Your car be parked in this

area because you're are not working here.

………………..4. Students ……………….. wear uniforms to school.

………………..5. Everyone ……………….. keep silence because the exams are going on.

Circle the best choice (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences.

She's not very well. Perhaps she see a doctor.

A. must B. ought to C. must not D. shouldn't

Jane's flight is at 6am tomorrow. She leave home at 4am in order to do check-in.

A. have to B. ought not to C. must D. shouldn't

You do the back-up of all the documents in your computer just in case it breaks.

A. must not B. ought to C. have to D. either B or C

Your aunt was very kind to me when I was in London. I think I write her a thank you


A. must not B. should C. have to D. ought not to

I'm sorry to tell you that all the tables have been reserved. You book next time.

A. must B. shouldn't C. should D. ought not to

Mia told her son, James: “You'll be graduating from college soon. You ……………….. think about your future. "

A. must B. must not C. would D. don't have to

The sign “Don't leave your belongings unattended” means that you ……………….. always take your personal items with you.

A. should B. should not C. would D. don't have to

Tony ……………….. study too hard for his High School Graduation examinations, which are on next Monday. Otherwise, he'll get sick.

A. ought to B. should not C. must D. must not

Children ask their parents for their advice on all their problems because their parents

have more living experience.

A. must not B. must C. should not D. should

I can't go out with my friends tonight. I ……………….. to do more work to catch up with the others. I'm so much behind.

A. should B. ought C. must D. mustn't


1. Read the passage and answer the questions below. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions.


We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is defined as a domestic group of people with some kinship - whether through blood, marriage, or adoption.

Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others and develop strong and healthy relationships. This does not mean that it is always easy to make and keep friends; it just means that we share the goal of having strong relationships.

"Family" includes your parents and siblings, as well as relatives who you may not interact with every day, such as your cousins, aunts, uncles, grand-parents, and stepparents. They are probably the people you are closest to and with whom you spend the most time. Having healthy relationships with your family members is both important and difficult.

It is never too late to begin the process of improving family relationships - even if they are already of good quality. You can step back and assess the relationship, it is often hard to do this with your family. Your family may constantly existing your life, so when an argument or issue arises, it may seem impossible to handle.

Remember that communication is key to resolving conflicts. While it may seem that your siblings sometimes annoy you, they are also there to communicate. Use your family's presence to your advantage - communicate with each other, develop your relationships, and build trust and respect.

(Text adapted from HYPERLINK "http://www.pamf.org/teen/abc/types/family.html)" http://www. pamf.org/teen/abc/types/family.html)

According to the passage, what do we first learn from our family?

A. how to receive love from others B. how to love and take care of others

C. about our family members D. about marriage and family

According to the passage, what is the goal of a family?

to nurture a healthy child

to respect the parents

to build up good family relationships

to make and keep friends.

The word ‘kinship’ in paragraph 1 refers to .

A. social connection B. friendship

C. childhood D. family relationship

According to the passage, who are regarded as family members?

A. only parents and children B. parents, children and relatives

C. those who you are closest to D. relatives you often interact with

What is NOT TRUE about developing a healthy relationship among family members?

A. It's significant, but challenging. B. It can occur at any time.

C. It's never too late to start. D. It's difficult and hopeless.

It's probably impossible for a person to deal with an argument or issue that arises in his family because


A. his family always is by his side. B. there is a lack of communication.

C. he himself needs to handle it. D. only his family may help.

The word ‘resolving’ in paragraph 5 could best be replaced by .

A. supporting B. improving

C. finding a solution to D. making a decision on

Why is communication significant in a family?

to solve arguments among family members

to strengthen relationships among family members

to build up trust and respect among family members

all are correct

2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) to each of the following questions.

Generation gap is commonly used to refer to differences between generations that cause conflicts and a frustrating lack of communication, creating a "gap."

However, from their position in the family, and with more life experience than younger family members, grandparents are able to see that differences between generations can be positive for all concerned.

The areas of difference includes technology use, taste in music, work ethic, moral values, respect for others, political views, attitudes toward different races, and religious beliefs. The top areas of disagreement between the young and old, according to the Pew Research Centre Study, are use of technology and taste in music. Grandparents are likely to have observed these differences in their grandchildren who are tweens, teens, and young adults.

If large differences between the generations exist, why don't they lead to conflict? The answer is


First, the two largest areas of difference, technology and music, are less emotionally charged than political issues. The older generation is likely to be proud of the younger generation's skills in technology rather than to view it as a problem. As for the musical differences, each generation wants its own style of music, and the older generation generally can relate to that desire.

Second, in other areas of difference, the younger generation tends to regard the older generation as superior to their own generation - clearly a difference from the 1960s with a saying "Don't trust anyone over thirty." According to the Pew Research Centre, all generations regard older Americans as superior in moral values, work ethic and respect for others.

(Text adapted from ht HYPERLINK "http://www.thespruce.com/looking-at-the-generation-gap-1695859)" tps://www.thespruce.com/looking-at-the-generation-gap-1695859)

Match each word with its definition.

generation gap a. of higher level or status

taste b. a strong feeling of wanting to have something

twofold c. a person's liking for something

desire d. disagreement between different generations

superior e. having two parts

What is generation gap usually perceived as?

the younger people's lack of communication

differences between generations leading to disagreements or conflicts

the older people's life experience

Which of the following is TRUE about how the elderly think about generation gap?

Being positive about the differences between generations.

Being concerned about all the differences.

Being frustrated in communicating with the younger members.

In which areas are the older and the younger people the most different?

Technology and music.

Work and politics.

Music and religion.

What does the older generation think about their grandchildren's skills in technology?

They find their grandchildren's skills problematic.

They desire to improve their skills in technology.

They are proud of their grandchildren.

Why are the differences in music unlikely to cause conflicts between two generations?

Each generation likes to have their own taste.

Styles of music are various.

The older people have a stronger desire for music than the younger.

According to the Pew Research Centre, how do Americans consider the elderly?

The elderly think moral values of all generations are the same.

The elderly are better at moral values and work ethic.

All older Americans respect moral values and work ethic. 

Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

Generation Gap: Differences but Little Division

Generation Gap: Definition and History

Generation Gap: Areas of Differences.

Read an article about developing healthy relationships between parents and children

Choose a sentence (a-d) to complete each gap (1-4).

Follow each rule that they set

Try to remain calm

Spend time with your family

Talk about the rules ahead of time

‘I hate my parents’ rules’

Your relationship with your parents may be confusing right now. While you may feel ready to make your own decisions about where and when you go, your parents will set limits. The reason your

parents do this is because they care about you and want to protect you from danger. You may find that you are fighting with your parents more than you used to.

Here are some tips on how to avoid and handle arguments with your parents:

and not at the last minute. This way you will be able to tell what your parents will say

yes or no to before you make plans. Your parents can also explain to you why each rule is in place. Your parents may be willing to listen to your ideas and use them when making rules that you both agree on.

and do not lose your temper when your parents say no to something. You will show

your parents that you are responsible and mature by talking instead of yelling and listening to what they have to say.

If your parents tell you to be home at a certain time, stick to it. They may begin to

worry about your safety if you are late. By being responsible and following rules, your parents may be willing to negotiate a later time in the future.

Pick your battles. Try to figure out what is really bothering you. This will help you know if it is worth arguing about. Some issues may be more important than others.

……………….. Communicate with each other and make some special family time so that you can all enjoy the time you have at home. Suggest activities that your whole family will enjoy together such as going for a hike, a bike ride, or going to the beach.

(Text adapted from HYPERLINK "http://youngwomenshealth.org/2011/06/02/healthy-relationships/)" http://youngwomenshealth.org/2011/06/02/healthy-relationships/)

Read the passage again and if decide the following statements are true or false. Write either T (True) or F (False) in each gap.

………. 1. Your relationship with your parents is sometimes troubled.

………. 2. Your parents refuse your plan because they may see possible dangers.

………. 3. Parents have to accept your plan if you don't tell them until the last minute.

………. 4. It is useless to discuss a set of rules with your parents.

………. 5. Controlling yourself when being refused shows your responsibility and maturity.

………. 6. You need to follow your parents' rules, which can never be changed.

………. 7. It is not worth arguing with your parents.

………. 8. Make your time at home enjoyable to you and your parents.

………. 9. Outdoor activities such as hiking or riding a bicycle are not suggested for the whole family.

………. 10. Conflicts with your parents will never happen if you follow the suggested tips.

On a blog, five young moms with teenage kids have posted their parenting experience. Read their posts and answer the questions below.

Nancy- “You sit ten women with teenage children in a circle, serve them a fizzy cocktail and some coffee cake, and the talk soon turns competitive. Over what? Not school scores or college destinations, please don't bother us. We fight about who is less appreciated at home.”

Kay- “Tweens or teens can easily start a message that they're stupid, fat, ugly, a loser - even when their family and real-friends promote messaging that is completely counter to those thoughts. The world around these kids with social media may make a fit kid feel fat and a smart kid feel stupid. It can make almost anyone feel completely alone while sitting in a crowd.”

Dawn – “Every parent I know would agree that having children has given their lives meaning, a sense of fulfillment, and a kind of joy previously unimagined. We love our children. We love caring for them. We love watching them grow. Yet, at the same time, we realize that parenting has made us crazy.”

Jennifer - “Life in my house is never dull or boring. Or quiet, for that matter. There is always noise of some kind, usually the result of bodily functions. You definitely have to have a good sense of humour when living with 3 guys.” 

Jill- “I've found with my kids that I have ongoing conversations that develop as they get older, more mature, and more computer literate. Best advice a friend gave to me many years ago was to always keep the lines of communication open with your kids on ANY topic. Kids are very clever and usually one step ahead of mom and dad.”

(Text adapted from: HYPERLINK "https://www.aceable.com/blog/the-10-best-blogs-for-moms-of-teens/" https://www.aceable