Electroactive là gì

Electroactive là gì

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Electroactive là gì

Electroactive là gì

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Articular cartilage has a poor regeneration capacity due to its avascular nature.

Cartilage repair using electrically stimulated hydrogel scaffolds is a promising approach.

A simulation model on electromechanics of electroactive hydrogels is presented.

The model serves as basis for designing optimized experiments for cartilage-tissue repair.


Background and Objective

The self-repair capability of articular cartilage is limited because of non-vascularization and low turnover of its extracellular matrix. Regenerating hyaline cartilage remains a significant clinical challenge as most non-surgical and surgical treatments provide only mid-term relief. Eventually, further pain and mobility loss occur for many patients in the long run due to further joint deterioration. Repair of articular cartilage tissue using electroactive scaffolds and biophysical stimuli like electrical and osmotic stimulation may have the potential to heal cartilage defects occurring due to trauma, osteoarthritis, or sport-related injuries. Therefore, the focus of the current study is to present a computational model of electroactive hydrogels for the cartilage-tissue repair as a first step towards an optimized experimental design.


The multiphysics transport model that mainly includes the Poisson–Nernst–Planck equations and the mechanical equation is used to find the electrical stimulation response of the polyelectrolyte hydrogels. Based upon this, a numerical model on electromechanics of electroactive hydrogels seeded with chondrocytes is presented employing the open-source software FEniCS, which is a Python library for finite-element analysis.


We analyzed the ionic concentrations and electric potential in a hydrogel sample and the cell culture medium, the osmotic pressure created due to ionic concentration variations and the resulting hydrogel displacement. The proposed mathematical model was validated with examples from literature.


The presented model for the electrical and osmotic stimulation of a hydrogel sample can serve as a useful tool for the development and analysis of a cartilaginous scaffold employing electrical stimulation. By analyzing various parameters, we pave the way for future research on a finer scale using open-source software.


Electrical stimulation


Articular cartilage

Electroactive hydrogels

Finite-element simulation

Multiphysics model

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© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.

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