Link SharePoint lists from different sites

Today I want to share a cool trick with you, which you can use to organize your SharePoint sites. For most of the operational types of sites, I am sure you will build some sort of Hub Navigation. However, let’s say you also have sites that are temporary in nature that you only use for a period of time. I am talking about Project Sites, Legal Case Sites, Client Sites, etc. Something with a definite start and end date. You might have tens or even hundreds of these sites. Creating links on the global Hub Navigation is not practical,  as the drop-down navigation menu will be impossible to manage and navigate. Luckily, we have an alternate way to organize such links via a Hyperlink column on a Custom List.

Step 1: Create a Custom List

There are many different ways to create a custom list in SharePoint. Please reference this post to learn about all the options. For my example, I created a list to track Projects, so I created the following columns:

  • Project Name (Text)
  • Project Manager (People)
  • Client Name (Choice)
  • Status (Choice)

We now need to create a Hyperlink column that will capture the URL of a Project site. Here is how to do this:

  1. Click +Add column > Hyperlink
    Link SharePoint lists from different sites
  2. Give your column a name, click Save
    Link SharePoint lists from different sites
  3. Re-arrange the order of the columns on your Custom list by dragging the column left or right
  4. Add a new entry and populate the URL for the site, the text description for the link. Click Save.
    Link SharePoint lists from different sites
  5. Repeat for the other rows in your list. This is what the finished product looks like when some data has been entered. Now, when users click on a link, it will open up a site for that project or row entry.
    Link SharePoint lists from different sites
  6. And of course, the whole reason why we created the custom list for this is so that we can filter our sites by Status and other metadata
    Link SharePoint lists from different sites

A SharePoint list is a collection of data that gives you and your co-workers a flexible way to organize information. Follow the steps mentioned below to migrate a list from one site collection to another.

Step 1: Export the list

  • Login to SharePoint and go to List Settings.
  • Under the Permissions and Management section click Save list as template.

Step 2: Export list to another site collection

  • On the top-level site of the site collection containing the list that you want to copy, click Site Settings.
  • In the Galleries section, click List templates.
  • On the List Template Gallery page, select the check box next to list template that you want to export.
  • In the ribbon Click Download a Copy.

Step 3: Uploading the list to a new site collection.

  • You should now have a .stp file. Now go to the site collection you want to copy the list to.
  • Click Site Settings.
  • In the Galleries section, click List templates.
  • Click on the Documents tab.
  • Click Upload Document.
  • Click Choose File and navigate and choose the .stp file you downloaded.
  • Click Ok.

To ease your SharePoint migration process, try using ManageEngine SharePoint Manager Plus. Using this tool, you can run the migration process for both SharePoint On-premises and Sharepoint Online when it's convenient for your users to make sure the everyday functioning of your organization isn't affected, and end users have uninterrupted uptime.

1. Introduction

Cross-Site Lookup creates relationships among lists between different sites, looking up information from SharePoint lists in other sites.

This tutorial will demonstrate how does Cross-Site Lookup work and how to create it in a SharePoint list.

Supposed there are two SharePoint lists, Product and Purchase Orders.

Product – List of all products names and their relevant information. This list locates in site Marketing Center.

Purchase Orders – List of all purchase orders from these products. And this list locates in another site Sales Center.

2. Create a Cross-Site Lookup Column

a. Go to the List you want to create a lookup for, here we go to Purchase Orders list.

b. Click the Create Column button under List tab.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

c. In the Name and Type section, specify a name for the column and choose Cross-Site Lookup.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

d. In the General Settings section, select a site and source lookup list.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

Supported Source Column types:

Single Line Text, Number, Date and Time, Calculated (single line output text), ID, Modified, Created, Version

e. In Advanced Settings section, select the checkbox of Enable creating new item in the source lookup list option.

This option will enable users to add new item in the source lookup list with the “Create new item…” link.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

There are other options in the Advanced Settings:

Filter by view - checking the box creates a filter for the Cross-site column. This means if a data is selected, the column will only display items that are related to the selected data.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

Folder mode - activating this feature means only lists with folders will be visible

Display only one instance of duplicate items - items with same name will not be duplicated

f. Click OK button to save the settings, and then there is a column named Product in the Purchase Orders list.

3. Work with Cross-Site Lookup in Item

After creating a Cross-Site Lookup in the list, we can now create an item and get information from a list in a different site.

a. In the Purchase Orders list, click new item to create a new item.

b. In Product column (which lookups from Product list), we can select a product name from the drop-down list as following.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

4. Enable Cross-Site Lookup work with Microsoft Office Applications

By default, SharePoint only can manage out of the box column data in Microsoft Office applications. Cascaded Lookup 4.0 provides a new Data Adapter Web Application feature that enhances the functionality of SharePoint with the ability to manage Cross-Site Lookup columns in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word and SharePoint Workspace.

a. To activate the Cascaded Lookup Data Adapter feature, go to the Web Application Management module of SharePoint Central Administration.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites

b. Click the Activate button on the Cross Site Lookup Data Adapter feature in the feature list.

Link SharePoint lists from different sites