On top of things meaning


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On top of things meaning

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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On top of things meaning

Have you ever watched someones children for them? Kids sometimes run around like crazy, doing things you dont expect them to do. You have to watch carefully, because children can put strange things in their mouths, jump from high places, or draw on the furniture. You really have to stay close. You need to stay on top of things.

To stay on top of things means to know and control whats happening in a situation. Its important to stay on top of things when youre in school full-time or you could do badly in class. You should stay on top of things if you have an overwhelming job and have to juggle many things at once. Using a planner or an alarm clock can help, but sometimes its just about paying attention.

Joun Kim is excellent at time management, and Gary, Brian, and Marni all want to know how she does it. Find out more in todays English lesson.

3. Watch - Watch the video without reading the dialog.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.

Brian:So, when did Jessica give you the news?

Joun Kim: She called me yesterday. Im supposed to meet her at 3pm.

Marni:Thats in 15 minutes, so we have time to find out all about you.

Gary:Where are you from?

Joun Kim: Im from Korea. Im studying English at the university for a year.

Brian:Are you a full-time student?

Joun Kim: Yes, Im taking four classes right now.

Marni:That sounds overwhelming. How do you stay on top of things?

Joun Kim: Im really good at time management.

Gary:Do you use a planner?

Joun Kim: Definitely. All the time. It helps me prioritize what I need to do next.

Brian:How do you juggle all of those responsibilities?

Marni:Do you make lists? That helps me a lot.

Joun Kim: I do. I also use my alarm to remind me when I have something to do.

Gary:Your alarm clock?

Joun Kim: The one on my phone. If I have an important meeting or homework due, the alarm rings.

Brian:Wow. No wonder you can stay on top of things.

Gary:You could learn a lot from Joun Kim.

Brian:What? What are you trying to say?


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On top of things meaning


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On top of things meaning

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On top of things meaning