Pizza cheese topping review pizza hut năm 2024

It's a pizza that needs little explanation -- the newest Pizza Hut mash-up combines two of the most beloved foods of all-time: grilled cheese and pizza.

Pizza Hut's new Grilled Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza features extra gooey cheddar and mozzarella cheese stuffed in and baked onto the crust. To finish off the grilled cheese crust, it is topped with toasted breadcrumbs and melted butter for the ultimate grilled cheese experience.

Review: Grilled Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza

Pizza cheese topping review pizza hut năm 2024
Mmmmm! Cheese! (Credit:

Appearance: At first it seemed like regular pizza, until I took a look at the crust. It was glistening there was so much butter. Yum! And it was covered in melted cheddar cheese and crispy breadcrumbs. I can honestly say I've never tried breadcrumbs on my pizza -- until now.

Taste: The pizza itself is just average. The crust is kind of floppy and isn't really strong enough to hold all of the toppings. But the sauce is zesty and my favorite part about Pizza Hut pizza the pepperonis are crispy around the edges. It's no pan pizza, but the flavors are still there. Now onto the stuffed crust, because that's the real star of this pizza. First, I love the cheese baked on top of the crust, it gives it a nice crispy texture instead of just being soggy. And the breadcrumbs added a delicious crunch that I've never experienced before on a pizza. I was a little bit worried about the mixture of cheeses stuffed inside the crust, because cheddar melts completely differently than mozzarella, and I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. The cheese is melty and stringy when you pull the crust apart, but still has that smooth texture we usually find in stuffed crusts. And let me tell you, that crust was STUFFED with cheese, like, there was more cheese than bread. Deliciousness! The cheddar taste is a welcome alternative to the straight mozzarella stuffed crust pizzas, too.

Pizza cheese topping review pizza hut năm 2024
Take a look at these toasty breadcrumbs (Credit:

Pros: I loved the buttery breadcrumbs on this pizza they were perfectly crisp and gave the pizza an uncommon crunch. And the cheddar cheese it was melty, gooey goodness.

Cons: Because melted butter is drizzled on the crust, this pizza is a little greasier than usual. What this thing really needs is a side of tomato soup!

Because how can they consider their new 3-Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza to be the latest and greatest they can offer in the United States when many of us know about–via the internet–a pizza they introduced in the Middle East last year with cheeseburgers as the outer crust, which still hasn’t made its way here. I mean, if this was the 1980s and they released a pizza with cheeseburgers as the outer crust in the Middle East, I’m pretty sure no one in the U.S. would’ve found out about it, unless someone was fortunate to have a Middle Eastern pen pal.

But it’s not the leotard and leggings 80s, it’s 2013 and information spreads easily. When actresses climb out of a car awkwardly, their upskirt photos are posted all over the internet within minutes. When the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, their Wikipedia page was updated within seconds after the final out.

Yes, I’m upset.

This should be a review about a pizza with frickin’ cheeseburgers, but instead I’m writing about a pizza with three cheeses in its crust. I mean, that would be impressive if that was the most cheeses they ever put into a crust, but it’s not. Remember their Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza? Well, that had five.

But enough of my desire to see that pizza-cheeseburger hybrid in the United States. And it’s not as if other countries now have it…

Wait! What the fu…! Ugh. Seriously? Whatever.

Pizza cheese topping review pizza hut năm 2024

The three cheeses stuffed into the outer crust of this pizza are mozzarella (boring because it’s all over the rest of the pizza), white cheddar (the albino brother of regular cheddar), and provolone (my first cheese option at Subway). The Pizza Hut 3-Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza is a hand tossed-style pizza and you can get whatever toppings you want on yours, but I ordered mine with pepperoni because I’m as boring as the mozzarella, white cheddar, and provolone stuffed into the crust of this pizza.

Let me move away from the stuffed crust for a moment and talk about the rest of the pizza, which won’t be much because it’s just the normal hand-tossed Pizza Hut pizza. If you’re not familiar with their hand-tossed pizza, it’s thinner and not as crispy as their pan pizza. As for the sauce, cheese, and pepperoni, it’s the typical stuff you’d find on any Pizza Hut pizza.

Now back to the stuffed crust.

Pizza cheese topping review pizza hut năm 2024

Seeing the large puffs on the edge of the pizza, might make you think that each one of them is stuffed with cheese, but they’re not. If you’re an optimist, you’d say they’re half-full of cheese. But if you’re a pessimist, you’d say they’re half-full of air. The combined flavor of the three cheeses is a nice change of pace from the typical mozzarella in the original Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pizza. Each cheese has a mild flavor so one isn’t going to overwhelm the others. When combined they have a decent flavor that does entice me to eat the crust instead of throwing it away, feeding it to birds, or use them as horns on my head while my friends and I play pizza crust bull and pizza box matador.

However, I don’t see myself ever buying this pizza again. Yes, it’s an improvement over the previous stuffed crust pizza, but I can’t help but think they could’ve done more to encourage non-crust eaters to scarf down the additional carbs. Maybe include a dipping sauce, like they did with their oddly familiar looking Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites Pizza? Or, since the stuffed crust is half-full of air, why not stuff a little sauce, meat, and veggies. Or maybe do something crazy, like attach cheeseburgers.

(Nutrition Facts – 1/8 of a pizza – 300 calories, 160 calories from fat, 17 grams of fat, 9 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 880 milligrams of sodium, 34 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 16 grams of protein.)

Item: Pizza Hut 3-Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza Purchased Price: $16.99* (for one topping) Size: Large Purchased at: Pizza Hut Rating: 6 out of 10 Pros: Flavor of the three cheeses is a step up from the usual mozzarella in the original Stuffed Crust Pizza. Ample pepperoni. If you enjoy Pizza Hut hand-tossed pizzas, this one will not offend you. The internet. The Pizza Hut cheeseburger crust pizza. Playing pizza crust bull and pizza box matador. Cons: Stuffed crust is half-full of air; could’ve used that space to fit more ingredients. Could’ve also used a dipping sauce. Still waiting for Pizza Hut’s cheeseburger crust pizza in the U.S. Doesn’t beat the record for number of cheeses in a Pizza Hut crust. Looks like a Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites Pizza. Having my upskirt photos posted on the internet.

*Because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, things are a bit pricier here. You’ll probably pay less than I did.

What is the best topping for Pizza Hut?

21 Best Pizza Hut Toppings of 2024 [Elevate Your Senses].



Italian Sausage..


Ground Beef..

What is the 3 cheese topping at Pizza Hut?

Toasted Three Cheese Melt -Packed with three cheeses - Mozzarella, Monterey Jack & Red Leicester.

What kind of cheese does Pizza Hut use on their pizza?

Like other pizza restaurants, Pizza Hut primarily uses mozzarella cheese on its pizzas. The chain states that it uses part-skim mozzarella cheese on the majority of its pizzas. Some of its specialty pizzas contain Parmesan romano cheese.

Is Pizza Hut cheesy bites good?

And based on this particular review, it sounds like the Cheesy Bites Pizza is worth a try! According to ReviewBrah, this food is ultimately just "fun," and isn't that what summer's all about? Plus, keep in mind—The Hut is going hard this week.