Poor listening skills in a child

Understanding Your Childs Trouble With Listening Comprehension

By Understood Team

At a Glance

Its not unusual for kids to sometimes tune out their families. Especially when kids dont want to hear things like you need to stop playing video games and do your chores.

If your child does that once in a while, you might not think much of it, other than being annoyed. But if youre always repeating directions, and your child is always saying huh? or what? you may wonder whether theres something else going on. Is your child not listening? Or is what youre saying not getting through?

Its possible that your child isnt listening, and there can be lots of reasons for that. But sometimes kids only seem like theyve tuned out. Instead, they may be having trouble knowing what people are saying.

Learn about trouble with listening comprehension and what can help.

Challenges You Might Be Seeing

Trouble with listening comprehension affects kids in many ways. But the signs can be confusing. Thats because some of them could be caused by other things.

Here are some common signs that a child may be having trouble with listening comprehension:

  • Has trouble following spoken directions , especially ones with multiple steps

  • Often asks people to repeat what theyve said

  • Is easily distracted, especially by background noise or loud and sudden noises

  • Has trouble with reading and spelling, which involve understanding sounds

  • Has a hard time with math word problems

  • Has trouble following conversations

  • Has a hard time learning songs or nursery rhymes

  • Has trouble remembering details of what was read or heard

What Can Cause Trouble With Listening Comprehension

There are lots of reasons kids dont listen or follow directions. Some kids lose track of what people are saying because they struggle with focus . They may get distracted and stop listening. They may also have trouble remembering information they just heard .

Some kids have trouble understanding what people are saying for another reason. It involves difficulty with auditory processing .

This isnt a problem with hearing. Its an issue with how the brain processes sounds. Kids who struggle with auditory processing have trouble picking up on subtle differences in sounds.

If theyre someplace with a lot of background noise, including classrooms, the challenge can be even greater. They might often ask teachers to repeat instructions. That can make it seem like theyre not paying attention.

There are other language challenges , too, that make it hard to follow what people are saying but for different reasons. Some kids have trouble picking up on tone of voice. Others struggle to understand what people mean when they talk.

What Can Help Kids Who Have Trouble With Listening Comprehension

There are lots of ways to help kids who struggle with listening comprehension. But you need information about your childs challenges to give the right type of help. You can start getting answers by closely watching your childs behavior and looking for patterns.

Youll also want to have your childs hearing checked out. Talk to your childs health care provider about what youre seeing at home and about having your child tested. If it turns out that your child is having trouble with hearing, you can talk about next steps.

If not, you need to move in a different direction to find out whats going on. Your childs teacher may be able to shed light. Reach out and set up a time to talk about what the teacher is seeing in the classroom. Are they the same things youre seeing at home? Is your child struggling in other ways?

The teacher may have suggestions for strategies to try at home. For example, you could try having your child look you in the eye when you speak. You can also remove any distractions when youre talking to your child. There may also be things the teacher can do in class.

If the challenges continue, you might want to talk about what the school can do. One option is to have the school do a free evaluation . Youll learn about your childs strengths and challenges and the best ways to help.

Struggling to know what people are saying is very frustrating and can make school and socializing hard. Kids may feel like theres something wrong with them. They may also get in trouble for not listening because people dont understand.

Your support and encouragement can make a huge difference. Learn how to recognize your childs strengths . Discover activities to help your child build a growth mindset. And get tips for talking to your child about challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Some kids have trouble understanding the sounds in words.

  • Trouble with focus makes it hard to keep track of what people are saying.

  • Talk to your childs teacher about strategies you can try at home.