Atkinson believes that low-need achievers prefer all but which one of the following tasks?


The excellence demanded by an occupational role and the prestige that it confers are positively related to its attractiveness. However, when relevant aspects of the motivational structure of role system members are examined, it is found that individuals high in achievement motivation and in achievement values prefer occupational roles which demand high excellence relative to the prestige they confer while individuals low in achievement motivation and in achievement values prefer those which confer high prestige relative to the excellence demanded. Because the effect of prestige inequalities on role attractiveness depends on the psychological properties of members of the role system, such inequalities may not be a functional prerequisite for the division of labor.

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The official flagship journal of the American Sociological Association (ASA), American Sociological Review (ASR) publishes works of interest to the discipline in general, new theoretical developments, results of research that advance our understanding of fundamental social processes, and important methodological innovations. All areas of sociology are welcome. Emphasis is on exceptional quality and general interest. Published bi-monthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Information about subscriptions, article submissions, and advertising rates:

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American Sociological Association Mission Statement: Serving Sociologists in Their Work Advancing Sociology as a Science and Profession Promoting the Contributions and Use of Sociology to Society The American Sociological Association (ASA), founded in 1905, is a non-profit membership association dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good. With over 13,200 members, ASA encompasses sociologists who are faculty members at colleges and universities, researchers, practitioners, and students. About 20 percent of the members work in government, business, or non-profit organizations. As the national organization for sociologists, the American Sociological Association, through its Executive Office, is well positioned to provide a unique set of services to its members and to promote the vitality, visibility, and diversity of the discipline. Working at the national and international levels, the Association aims to articulate policy and impleme nt programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future.

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EPSY 3300 – Practice Exam 3 (Ch. 11, 13, & 16)1.Note three potential disadvantages of the excessive use of external rewards.

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2.Briefly discuss the goal of the constructivist approach to instruction.

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3.Briefly explain motivation from the perspective of social cognitive theory.

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4.Briefly explain motivation from a cognitive development perspective.

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5.If you wanted to use a social cognitive theory approach to motivation, you would

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6.A student with a D average whose grades on the most recent Psychology, History,English and Chemistry exams were B, D, D, and F, respectively, is most likely to offerwhich of the following explanations for these grades?

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7.A student with a B+ average whose grades on the most recent Psychology, History,English and Chemistry exams were A, A, B, and C, respectively, is most likely to offerwhich of the following explanations for these grades?

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Atkinson believes that low-need achievers prefer all but which one of the following tasks? A. very easy tasks B. lofty or high-minded tasks C. very difficult tasks D. moderately challenging tasks

Answer :

Answer:C. very difficult tasks

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