Mpsigstub là gì

¿Qué es el proceso MPSIGSTUB.EXE?

MPSIGSTUB.EXE significa Microsoft Malware Protection Signature Stub, y forma parte del software Microsoft Security Essentials. Normalmente un usuario se encuentra con este archivo cuando necesita actualizar manualmente las bases de datos de este antivirus. Veamos en qué consiste este proceso.


  • 1 Los datos básicos
    • 1.1 Ubicación del archivo
    • 1.2 Destino
    • 1.3 Proceso de inicio y fin
    • 1.4 Falsificación de software antivirus
      • 1.4.1 ¿Le ha ayudado este artículo?

Los datos básicos

El proceso sólo aparece en la lista del Administrador de tareas cuando Security Essentials está instalado y la actualización se está ejecutando. Por lo tanto, es difícil de seguir.

Ubicación del archivo

Pulse el botón «Comienza». en la barra de tareas y en el campo «Buscar programas y archivos» Entrar . «MPSIGSTUB.EXE». Los resultados de la búsqueda muestran una línea con el siguiente texto «MPSIGSTUB». Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón y pulse en el menú que aparece «Ubicación del archivo».

Abre el directorio que contiene el objeto buscado.

La ruta completa del archivo de proceso es la siguiente.


El fichero también puede ser localizado como parte de un archivo «mpam-feX64», diseñado para actualizar Security Essentials.


MPSIGSTUB.EXE es una aplicación que ejecuta el proceso de actualización del famoso antivirus de Microsoft. Para ver información sobre el archivo en la carpeta «Sistema32» haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón y haga clic en «Propiedades»..

Se abre la ventana de propiedades de MPSIGSTUB.EXE.

En la ficha. «Firmas digitales». puede ver que MPSIGSTUB.EXE tiene una firma digital de Microsoft Corporation que confirma su autenticidad.

Proceso de inicio y fin

El proceso especificado se inicia cuando se actualiza Security Essentials y finaliza automáticamente al terminar.

Leer más: Actualización manual de las bases de datos de Microsoft Security Essentials

Falsificación de software antivirus

Muy a menudo los programas de virus se disfrazan bajo el proceso especificado.

    Por lo tanto, un archivo es malicioso si:

  • Aparece en el Administrador de Tareas durante un largo periodo de tiempo;
  • No tiene firma digital;
  • La ubicación difiere de las anteriores.

Puede utilizar la conocida utilidad Dr.Web CureIt para eliminar la amenaza.

Tal y como reveló la revisión, la presencia de MPSIGSTUB.EXE en el sistema se debe principalmente a la presencia del antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials instalado. Al mismo tiempo, el proceso puede ser falseado por programas de virus, que se detectan y eliminan fácilmente escaneando con las utilidades adecuadas.

Nos alegramos de haber podido ayudarle con su problema.

Describa lo que no le ha funcionado.
Nuestros especialistas tratarán de responder con la mayor rapidez posible.

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Incident Response

Risk Assessment

Persistence Writes data to a remote process Fingerprint Queries process information
Reads the active computer name Evasive Marks file for deletion
Possibly checks for the presence of an Antivirus engine


Not all malicious and suspicious indicators are displayed. Get your own cloud service or the full version to view all details.

  • Anti-Detection/Stealthyness
    • Found a system process name at an unusual pathway

      details Process "MpSigStub.exe" has a system process name but is not located in a Windows (sub-)directory (Show Process) sourceMonitored Targetrelevance3/10

  • Installation/Persistance
    • Writes data to a remote process

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" wrote 32 bytes to a remote process "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe" (Handle: 88)
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" wrote 52 bytes to a remote process "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe" (Handle: 88)
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" wrote 8 bytes to a remote process "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe" (Handle: 88) sourceAPI Callrelevance6/10

  • Unusual Characteristics
    • Contains native function calls

  • Anti-Reverse Engineering
    • Looks up many procedures within the same disassembly stream (often used to hide usage)

      details Found 11 calls to from MpSigStub.exe (PID: 3728) (Show Stream)
      Found 11 calls to (Show Stream) sourceHybrid Analysis Technologyrelevance10/10

    • PE file has unusual entropy sections

      details .rsrc
      .rsrc with unusual entropies 7.9988033415
      7.9902743103 sourceStatic Parserrelevance 10/10

  • Environment Awareness
    • Contains ability to query CPU information
    • Reads the active computer name

      details "MpSigStub.exe" (Path: "HKLM\SYSTEM\CONTROLSET001\CONTROL\COMPUTERNAME\ACTIVECOMPUTERNAME"; Key: "COMPUTERNAME") sourceRegistry Access relevance5/10

  • General
    • Contains ability to find and load resources of a specific module

      details from MpSigStub.exe (PID: 3728) (Show Stream) sourceHybrid Analysis Technologyrelevance1/10

  • Installation/Persistance
    • Creates new processes

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" is creating a new process (Name: "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe", Handle: 88) sourceAPI Callrelevance8/10

    • Drops executable files

      details "MpSigStub.exe" has type "PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 for MS Windows"
      "mpavdlta.vdm" has type "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows"
      "mpasdlta.vdm" has type "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows" sourceExtracted Filerelevance10/10

  • Spyware/Information Retrieval
    • Contains ability to enumerate processes/modules/threads
  • System Destruction
    • Marks file for deletion

      details "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\1.1.15600.4_to_1.1.15700.8_mpengine.dll._p" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpavdlta.vdm" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpasdlta.vdm" for deletion
      "C:\mpam-cb47092c.exe" marked "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192" for deletion sourceAPI Callrelevance10/10

    • Opens file with deletion access rights

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpavdlta.vdm" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpasdlta.vdm" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\1.1.15600.4_to_1.1.15700.8_mpengine.dll._p" with delete access
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192" with delete access sourceAPI Callrelevance 7/10

  • System Security
    • Contains ability to elevate privileges

      details (Show Stream) sourceHybrid Analysis Technologyrelevance10/10

  • Unusual Characteristics
    • CRC value set in PE header does not match actual value

      details "MpSigStub.exe" claimed CRC 643543 while the actual is CRC 13395281
      "mpavdlta.vdm" claimed CRC 79392 while the actual is CRC 643543
      "mpasdlta.vdm" claimed CRC 159882 while the actual is CRC 79392 sourceStatic Parserrelevance10/10

    • Imports suspicious APIs

      details RegCreateKeyExW
      NtQueryInformationFile sourceStatic Parserrelevance1/10

    • Timestamp in PE header is very old or in the future

      details "MpSigStub.exe" claims program is from Sun May 18 18:23:40 2053 sourceStatic Parserrelevance10/10

  • Hiding 4 Suspicious Indicators
    • All indicators are available only in the private webservice or standalone version

  • Anti-Reverse Engineering
    • Contains ability to register a top-level exception handler (often used as anti-debugging trick)
  • Environment Awareness
    • Contains ability to query machine time
    • Contains ability to query the machine version
    • Possibly tries to detect the presence of a debugger
  • External Systems
    • Sample was identified as clean by Antivirus engines

      details 0/36 Antivirus vendors marked sample as malicious (0% detection rate)
      0/69 Antivirus vendors marked sample as malicious (0% detection rate) sourceExternal Systemrelevance10/10

  • General
    • Contains PDB pathways

      details "MpAdlStub.pdb"
      "MpSigStub.pdb" sourceStringrelevance1/10

    • Contains ability to create named pipes for inter-process communication (IPC)

      details from MpSigStub.exe (PID: 3728) (Show Stream)
      (Show Stream) sourceHybrid Analysis Technologyrelevance10/10

    • Creates a writable file in a temporary directory

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\1.1.15600.4_to_1.1.15700.8_mpengine.dll._p"
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\MpSigStub.exe"
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\"
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpasdlta.vdm"
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\"
      "mpam-cb47092c.exe" created file "%TEMP%\AD9AE8EF-1F45-4396-A46E-7D73CBA15192\mpavdlta.vdm"
      "MpSigStub.exe" created file "%WINDIR%\Temp\MpSigStub.log" sourceAPI Callrelevance1/10

    • Drops files marked as clean

      details Antivirus vendors marked dropped file "MpSigStub.exe" as clean (type is "PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 for MS Windows"), Antivirus vendors marked dropped file "mpavdlta.vdm" as clean (type is "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows"), Antivirus vendors marked dropped file "mpasdlta.vdm" as clean (type is "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows") sourceExtracted Filerelevance 10/10

    • Process launched with changed environment

      details Process "MpSigStub.exe" (Show Process) was launched with new environment variables: "UpdateTelemetryCV="+XlvDCxov06Zzzo+.1""
      Process "MpSigStub.exe" (Show Process) was launched with modified environment variables: "CommonProgramFiles, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE, ProgramFiles"
      Process "MpSigStub.exe" (Show Process) was launched with missing environment variables: "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" sourceMonitored Targetrelevance10/10

    • Spawns new processes

      details Spawned process "MpSigStub.exe" with commandline "/stub 1.1.15500.2 /payload /program C:\mpam-cb47092c. ..." (Show Process) sourceMonitored Targetrelevance3/10

    • Spawns new processes that are not known child processes

      details Spawned process "MpSigStub.exe" with commandline "/stub 1.1.15500.2 /payload /program C:\mpam-cb47092c. ..." (Show Process) sourceMonitored Targetrelevance3/10

    • The input sample is signed with a certificate

      details The input sample is signed with a certificate issued by "CN=Microsoft Code Signing PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, ST=Washington, C=US" (SHA1: 9D:C1:78:88:B5:CF:AD:98:B3:CB:35:C1:99:4E:96:22:7F:06:16:75; see report for more information)
      The input sample is signed with a certificate issued by "CN=Microsoft Time-Stamp PCA, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, ST=Washington, C=US" (SHA1: 91:06:CF:90:5B:37:57:FE:63:FC:AD:51:D8:97:3A:B6:26:05:EA:37; see report for more information)
      The input sample is signed with a certificate issued by "CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority, DC=microsoft, DC=com" (SHA1: 3C:AF:9B:A2:DB:55:70:CA:F7:69:42:FF:99:10:1B:99:38:88:E2:57; see report for more information)
      The input sample is signed with a certificate issued by "CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority, DC=microsoft, DC=com" (SHA1: 37:5F:CB:82:5C:3D:C3:75:2A:02:E3:4E:B7:09:93:B4:99:71:91:EF; see report for more information) sourceCertificate Datarelevance10/10

  • Installation/Persistance
    • Connects to LPC ports

      details "MpSigStub.exe" connecting to "\ThemeApiPort" sourceAPI Callrelevance1/10

    • Dropped files

      details "MpSigStub.exe" has type "PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64 for MS Windows"
      "" has type "data"
      "MpSigStub.log" has type "Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text with CRLF CR line terminators"
      "" has type "data"
      "mpavdlta.vdm" has type "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows"
      "mpasdlta.vdm" has type "PE32+ executable (DLL) (console) x86-64 for MS Windows"
      "1.1.15600.4_to_1.1.15700.8_mpengine.dll._p" has type "data" sourceExtracted Filerelevance3/10

    • Touches files in the Windows directory

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\AppPatch\AppPatch64\sysmain.sdb"
      "MpSigStub.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\Temp\MpSigStub.log"
      "MpSigStub.exe" touched file "%WINDIR%\Globalization\Sorting\SortDefault.nls" sourceAPI Callrelevance7/10

  • Network Related
    • Found potential URL in binary/memory

      details Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Pattern match: ""
      Heuristic match: "k<&c|?"
      Pattern match: "" sourceStringrelevance10/10

  • System Security
    • Opens the Kernel Security Device Driver (KsecDD) of Windows

      details "mpam-cb47092c.exe" opened "\Device\KsecDD"
      "MpSigStub.exe" opened "\Device\KsecDD" sourceAPI Callrelevance 10/10

  • Unusual Characteristics
    • Matched Compiler/Packer signature

      details "mpavdlta.vdm" was detected as "Microsoft visual C++ vx.x DLL"
      "mpasdlta.vdm" was detected as "Microsoft visual C++ vx.x DLL" sourceStatic Parserrelevance10/10

File Details

All Details:


Filenamempam-cb47092c.exeSize13MiB (13358256 bytes)Typepeexe 64bits executableDescriptionPE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS WindowsArchitectureWINDOWSSHA256b005b8fba9996a8274155ac9f66597e25c78533b682b45b7982ac336ba152bdaPDB Timestamp12/18/2014 08:44:18 (UTC)PDB PathwayMpAdlStub.pdb






Input File (PortEx)

Version Info

LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InternalName mpam-fe_bd.exe FileVersion CompanyName Microsoft Corporation StubVersion 1.1.15500.2 ProductName Microsoft Malware Protection EngineVersion 1.1.15700.8 ProductVersion FileDescription AntiMalware Definition Update OriginalFilename mpam-fe_bd.exe StubName AdlStub Translation 0x0409 0x04b0

File Sections

DetailsNameEntropyVirtual AddressVirtual SizeRaw SizeMD5Characteristics
Name.textEntropy6.3794364273Virtual Address0x1000Virtual Size0x2d6abRaw Size0x2d800MD5e6bfbe33ff49ca2a16ae52dd31757ac6 .text 6.3794364273 0x1000 0x2d6ab 0x2d800 e6bfbe33ff49ca2a16ae52dd31757ac6 -
Name.rdataEntropy4.98528547212Virtual Address0x2f000Virtual Size0xf63cRaw Size0xf800MD5e6cf45ebdf18144ee558a32df0f477db .rdata 4.98528547212 0x2f000 0xf63c 0xf800 e6cf45ebdf18144ee558a32df0f477db -
Name.dataEntropy3.30050893745Virtual Address0x3f000Virtual Size0x2798Raw Size0x1200MD5e5376927e31d818c80329414612bbed5 .data 3.30050893745 0x3f000 0x2798 0x1200 e5376927e31d818c80329414612bbed5 -
Name.pdataEntropy5.4855901114Virtual Address0x42000Virtual Size0x27ccRaw Size0x2800MD56e3a022334acf8d58a84b59830457483 .pdata 5.4855901114 0x42000 0x27cc 0x2800 6e3a022334acf8d58a84b59830457483 -
Name.rsrcEntropy7.9988033415Virtual Address0x45000Virtual Size0xc78194Raw Size0xc78200MD54f4cfda399e0fc7c6ed51ba4a32d1f66 .rsrc 7.9988033415 0x45000 0xc78194 0xc78200 4f4cfda399e0fc7c6ed51ba4a32d1f66 -
Name.relocEntropy4.88420024122Virtual Address0xcbe000Virtual Size0x658Raw Size0x800MD5eefb954c2b4cf4437a187d150f541e51 .reloc 4.88420024122 0xcbe000 0x658 0x800 eefb954c2b4cf4437a187d150f541e51 -

File Resources


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Hybrid Analysis

Tip: Click an analysed process below to view more details.

Analysed 2 processes in total.

Network Analysis

This report was generated with enabled TOR analysis

DNS Requests

No relevant DNS requests were made.

HTTP Traffic

No relevant HTTP requests were made.

Extracted Files


  • Added comment to Virus Total report
  • Network whitenoise filtering (Process) was applied
  • Not all IP/URL string resources were checked online