protectorate là gì - Nghĩa của từ protectorate

protectorate có nghĩa là

A plastic shieve inserted in one's shirt pocket to prevent pens from leaking and staining the shirt.
As far as i am aware it was invented in the US, and never exported to the rest of the world.
Not popular anymore, even among geeks


Yo, jigga whats wit the pocket protector?
I keep my dust in there, bro

protectorate có nghĩa là

A person who escorts and/or watches over another (the “Charge”) to ensure that the other is safe and is not “hit on” unreasonably by others. A Protector can and often will allow others to interact with the charge. A Protector-charge relationship is usually an open relationship and can involve elements of Dominance, service, training and/or scening, at the option of the parties. The inclusion of these elements is usually left to express negotiation and agreement between the parties. A Protector-charge relationship generally is not expected to last for a long term, but generally may last for one or several months.


She attended her first BDSM with a Dominant friend acting as her protector.

protectorate có nghĩa là

A large rounded piece of tissue paper that is designed to be placed over a toilet seat to protect the shitter from "germs" that may be residing there. The rounded section lies on top of the toilet seat (thus creating the essential Buttock-porcelain Barrier) while a cutout center flap hangs down into the toilet causing the entire paper to be sucked into the toilet when it is flushed. Seat protectors are typically contained in a dispenser on the wall of a public bathroom stall in such venues as airports and offices.
Note that the Buttock-Porcelain Barrier provided by the seat protector creates a false sense of security since someone else's bodily fluid on the toilet seat can leak right through the S.P.'s thin, porous surface. I doubt germs are foiled either.


Toilet User: Damn these seat protectors! I can't get one out of the dispenser without ripping it!

Toilet User: Ugh! Who keeps using 20 seat protectors at a time and clogging the handicap stall?

protectorate có nghĩa là

A gentleman with a cool,even temperament who commonly has traits such as being tall, handsome, good build, broad shoulders, intimidates to wolves, clean-neat appearance and walks with an erect gait. Smaller, petite college women in cities can or will most often enough seek out these traits in a mate for their role as a 'protector' or someone that would ward off would be wolves or opportunistic predatory men. These types of men could have day jobs as Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military or other roles women typically view as 'hero's or doing service to the community but exceptions always exist. These men might view themselves as modern day 'super hero's' and put an 'S' on their Toyota 4Runner or license plate. The ladies will often enough choose these men of valor to marry as being their perfect knight in shining armor to provide security and stability in an otherwise unpredictable world. Note: uneducated back wood rednecks do not generally serve this type of role to educated, career minded city woman.


An uneducated, shorter redneck guy goes to the city and notices a lot of smaller, cute petite ladies with tall men with them and asks, 'what is up with all these tree's hanging over these women here?' Another guy responds back that those men are their protectors because the city is a dangerous, insecure place without them.

protectorate có nghĩa là

A protectorate nation is a nation with a poor military and general unrest among the ethnic groups. To solve this, they sacrifice some political freedom to a more powerful country, usually a G7 / G8 nation which intervenes in their political affairs as a reward for keeping the population under control.


Most of Africa is former British protectorate.

protectorate có nghĩa là

A.K.A: Hoetector Some absolutely clueless soul that wrangles a hoe, slam pig, or cock tease into coming to a gathering and commits the atrocity of following her around constantly just to insure that she doesn't slam some other dude(s). In order to be labeled a Hoe Protector you must fulfill the minimum requirements: 1.) The girl must be a documented hoe, either by previous personal knowledge or the fact that she has already open mouth kissed at least 4 dudes in the previous hour. 2.) There must be an inherent "creep" factor associated with the guy including, but not limited to; following or shadowing, constant staring, hover hands, forced seclusion, cock blocking, and bathroom guarding. 3.) (Hoe Protection to the 5th Degree only, see below) The guy constantly talks shit about the other dudes at the party in an attempt to make himself the number one draft pick for the hoe. (Seriously, who clipped your balls?) Hoe Protection to the 5th Degree is a capital offense and if convicted in court, the defendant must admit his Hoe Protector status to both the offended parties and the hoe itself. If the defendant commits multiple counts of Hoe Protections over time, he can be labeled as a level 3 Hoe Protector and must notify all neighbors within a quarter mile radius of his level 3 status.


Mike: Whose that chick that Leo brought over? Is he slamming that? Harry: Nothing special, shes just some pig fresh out of the pen. He wants to slam it, but hes too busy being a Hoe Protector to every dude that looks at her to win that battle.

protectorate có nghĩa là

An Aussie male is called a bun protector when he stops every other guy in the room from talking to a very available and very single girl.


No one can get a look in with that good sort with that bun protector hangin' around.

protectorate có nghĩa là

The male at the party that sticks with and or follows his female prey throughout the duration of the party. The "protector" ,however, is not the one who hooks up with the female. He merely follows and watches over her, ridding her of all other men that look to take his meal, only to lose her towards the end of the party to the man that has not made an attempt on even flirting with this girl. The protector also feels the need to justify his actions by saying he is almost "in" or that they are "bestfriends" and he is helping her stay "faithful". He should also be viewed as the most annoying male at the party due to his need to "cling" or "cockblock" other males with a much stronger mac-game. If the protector fails to get his dick wet with this girl, no one shall.


Karl: dude help me get vanessa away from sheldon, he wont leave her alone and she wants to hook up Travis: dude i dont know why sheldon always wants to be the protector man, he needs to accept that she isnt going to hook up with him. Its been 2hours!!

protectorate có nghĩa là

a condom


"Get out the protector"

protectorate có nghĩa là

a thing that protects


armor-all is a protectorant of car dashes everywhere