satanist là gì - Nghĩa của từ satanist

satanist có nghĩa là

The satanic church was started in the 60's by Anton LaVey, so logic would follow that he would be able to define a satanist better than Oprah or whoever hosts Dateline or 20/20. A satanist doesn't believe in god or satan. A satanist is an atheist that believes people should be responsible for their actions.

Satanism itself addresses problems it finds with Judeo-Christian beliefs. They find that telling one's children that they should behave correctly not because its the decent thing to do but because some ridiculous land of fire will make their 'afterlife' really shitty is poor parenting.

The reason why satanists are thought of as scary people in black coats that sacrifice goats and abduct children springs from 2 sources. The first is sensationalist media outlets like Oprah and Dateline and 20/20 and all the daytime talk shows.

The second is the real reason why people believe these shows and thats the tendency of Christians to need to find evil where it doesn't exist. Christians themselves tend to be egotistical (because they only follow their faith when convenient) and like to feel more pious and self-righteous by creating an evil boogeyman that doesn't exist so they can blame society's decay on them.


Christian douchebag: Yeah so this little kid has gone missing, its gotta be the Satanists.

Non-idiot: Hmm, or it could be just a regular criminal.

Christian douchebag: No! Satanists ruin everything. Satanists make me ignore my faith by beating the hell out of my wife and sleeping with my secretary! Its okay though, as long as I go to church a lot and tell god I'm sorry for beating up my wife I'm good. Loopholes are great.

satanist có nghĩa là

someone who believes that they are they're own god and can control the path their life takes, satanists DO NOT worship satan (that is luciferism) but mearly worship themself, satanism is the most mis-understood religion there is.


Dumb kid: omg your a satanist that means you worship satan!

Satanist: no moron it means that i accually believe in myself it has nothing to do with the satan in the bible

Dumb kid: well then why is it called SATAN-ism hmm?

Satanist: because LeVey mearly called it that in his notes

Dumb kid: whos Levey?

Satanist: oh why do i even try?

satanist có nghĩa là

One who acknoledges only themselves as worthy of religious worship. Opposite to buddhism, Satanism encourages in the intensification of self awareness rather than its dissolution.

Satanists do not worship Satan. The term "Satan" is only used as a historic reference to the Egyptian god Set, god of the rising sun and of consciousness. Satanism has nothing at all to do with Christianity.



satanist có nghĩa là

One who worships Satan.
( It does not mean you listen to heavy metal and such. You can listen to pop and still worship Satan.)


satanist có nghĩa là

Some of the coolest people in the world.

People who arent afraid to admit that they have urges and needs that are "devilish".

They are their own god and rule over themselves. Its up to them what is right and wrong and don't let restrictive religon guide them.


Bob: Did you hear that Rick is satanist now?
Cindy: yeah, he didn't like it when his old church was telling him what not to do.

satanist có nghĩa là

As states, "The worship of Satan characterized by a travesty of the Christian rites." For those who say that satanists are atheists, you would be wrong. Atheism is the belief that there is no god(s) and they do not follow any religion. So stop grouping yourselves with atheists, because its not true.


As an atheist, i believe in no god(s) or religions. However, i showed up today and saw a couple people defining satanists as belonging or being a part of atheism, which is wrong and misleading... unknown whether or not the people who made this statement were christians looking to ridicule atheists, some kids/ moronic adults screwing around or some satanists looking to not look so bad.

satanist có nghĩa là

A religious atheist.


I'm a satanist, so I consider myself religious, even though I don't believe in a God. (I don't care who you are, that's funny right there. If you can't laugh at that, then you need to get on up outta here, cuz that is funny. That's funny.)

satanist có nghĩa là

A kickass song by Melodic Death Metal legends The Crown


Satanist - The devil's finest
A diamond - In the fear and silence

satanist có nghĩa là

A religon/philosophy that is not understood by christians most people. More a philosophy than a religon, that does not involve sacrificing. However it's as flawed a philosophy as any other religon and if you think I'm going to listen to a bunch of weirdos who dress up as vampires, the devil, bats and other things you got another thing coming.


"One of the most simplistic primitive philosophies in the world, that gains many followers due to it's gothic/evil style which many young goth music fans think looks cool."

xXSatan4eva666Xx - I'm sooo cool cause I'm a satanist! Satan rules ass!!! yaa!

Stoic9000 - Have you ever heard of Stoicism, Skeptism, Cynicism or any other intelligent schools of philosophy??!

satanist có nghĩa là

One of the many people God loves. A satanist going by its root words would seem to mean one who worships satan. However, According to satanists, they are mere people who don't believe in God not people that associate with satan. Apparently, instead of chosing a name that would abstractly title their group, they chose to go with a base name that has negative conotations throughout society and be surprised when it becomes misinterpretted.


Muslim: Those fucking Americans even allow satanists freedom of religion.
More extreme Muslim: Let's blow up those hedonistic Americans, in the name of our peace loving God Allah.