Best Secure folder app for AndroidReddit

Best Secure folder app for AndroidReddit

Shelter doesn't seem to work, maybe it's an Android 12 thing. I checked out Island, and I'll see how well it works in keeping both pictures/videos AND apps separate, but I am definitely still looking. Anyone have any suggestions?

Best Secure folder app for AndroidReddit

I have a Samsung J3 but I need to replace it as it hardly works now, so I'm going to buy the Fairphone 3+. On my current phone, I use the Secure Folder for some photos and apps. But I think only Samsung phones have the Secure Folder. Is there an equivalent thing for non-Samsung/Fairphone users? Can I just download the secure folder knox app from the play store? Thanks!

I just got rid of my S9, and the one thing I miss is the Samsung Secure Folder. For anyone unaware, it is basically a hidden environment in your phone where you can have hidden pictures or apps (read: porn and porn apps) and they won't appear on your phone in the picture folder or app drawer.

It seems like Parallel Space is exactly what I need - Except it crashes when I try opening any of the apps.

EDS Lite (by sovworks) is an open source VeraCrypt client wich generates encrypted containers where you can save whatever file you want (sadly, no apps but files). Those containers are crossplatform since there are client for almost every OS out there and they are really safe.

I think it has 2 problems:

  1. For your particular case, as I said before, the problem is that it doesn't support apps.

  2. In general terms, I think the lesrning path could be kind of complex to the average user (though once you set it up it's quite easy to use).

If you are interested, the app is available on the Play Store, but I'd recommend getting it from F-Droid (a store for open source apps).

Link to the F-Droid page:

Just as a sidenote, I wouldn't recommend a closed source app (with the exception of samsung) to save sensitive information since there is no way to tell what they do with your data.

I know there's shelter. But it faces the same problem as Samsung Secure Folder in that it doesn't really hide that you're using the same device since the apps inside it can still see device id, hardware info, etc etc.

Furthermore, while I'm pretty damn suspicious of Samsung's secure folder (cause it needs you to have a samsung account to use, which ties your identity to whatever is inside it), I'm also very suspicious of shelter (chinese made, how do I know they won't send data back to China etc)

And I'm pretty sure Shelter doesn't lock sensitive data with a password. This is one thing Samsung's Secure Folder has an edge over.

Is there any sandboxer on mobile that fulfils these 4 criteria?

  1. Apps in it can't see what device I'm actually using ie device info is spoofed or hidden completely

  2. Apps in it can't send data back unless I want them to, the sandbox itself can't send data back to the company/developers (like Chinese virtual spaces for android typically do)

  3. Requires a password to unlock

  4. Isolates its contents from the rest of my device Apps inside can't interact with outside apps and vice versa unless I want them to

Sort of like a virtual machine. Or graphene's sandbox mode that people typically use for google play services (if that's how it works).

A community for sharing and promoting free/libre and open source software on the Android platform. This means software you are free to modify and distribute, such as applications licensed under the GNU General Public License, BSD license, MIT license, Apache license, etc. Think of free software as free as in freedom of speech, not free beer.

If the question is safe as in behind a pin code, this might be the answer.

If the question is safe as in a remote backup, this might be the answer.

If the question is safe as in privacy, this is most definitely not the answer.

Hi all, first I am sorry if this question has been asked before, but I personally couldn't find an answer to my question with the search option...

I've recently started considering to move away from Samsung phones. However, for all their flaws I do like the "Secure Folder" feature, where I can move some or all of my Gallery photos there and hide them from the regular gallery. I don't know how good of a protection that gives me, but I do have some sensitive work pictures that this way at least are hidden behind an extra layer of protection in case of theft or lost device, even if its not the best one.

So my question is: Is there an app (stock Android) that provides an alternative to this? Hiding some of my pictures from showing in Gallery, but still being accessible by me.

Thanks in advance!